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Add filler pages

I'd like to create a pdf with a minimum number of pages--so if my generated content is less then that amount I would like to add "Comments" pages to the end. Does prince have a way to make this happen? If not--is there an easy way to get the number of pages generated from Prince so I can tack on some?
At the moment there is no mechanism to add on an arbitrary number of extra pages, nor is there a way to get the page count from Prince, although we could easily add a log message for this if you like. In the meantime, if you're running on Linux, the pdfinfo tool will tell you the page count of PDF files.
I think adding the page count would be a helpful addition--pdflatex does this and I had been finding it with a regex search. Thanks for the tip re pdfinfo.
We've added a new --log-stats command-line option to Prince 7.0 which prints out the total page count of the document.