Forum Bugs

Possible bug? Multiple page types

I have a situation where I've got multiple page types and for two of those types I want page numbers. I've tried this:

@page type1, @page type2 {
  @bottom-right: {
    content: counter(page);

But it doesn't work. If I split it into two rules it works:

@page type1 {
  @bottom-right: {
    content: counter(page);

@page type2 {
  @bottom-right: {
    content: counter(page);

That's a bit cumbersome though as I've got more page types coming up.
At the moment this is a limitation of CSS, where it is not possible to combine multiple page selectors. It would make sense to be able to do this though:
@page type1, type2 { ... }

Perhaps this is something we could suggest to the CSS working group.
We've added support for this to the new beta version of Prince 7.0, now available.