Forum Feature requests

flip picture

I would like to be able to say flip this picture so a
right hand would look like a left hand.

The use case for this is when you place a picture with running horse on the left page you don't want the horse to run off of the page.

The same is true with pictures of people. It is preferred that they face the gutter rather than off of the page.

Right now you can use GIMP to create the flipped image. So there is a solution.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

SVG or in future CSS3 transformations can flip images, but flipping them automatically depending on the page on which they occur is another matter.
Yes you wouldn't know which way the person faced from just the picture itself. So good to hear about transformations. I'll check that out. Will that be coming soon to Prince?

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Perhaps; depends on the speed with which we can resolve the remaining issues concerning Prince 7.0. :D
Good. I'll work on other things then.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Will the transforms allow rotate 45degrees?

I have a need for text that slants uphill. The text must fit in the sidebar and be justified.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Yes, transforms allow arbitrary rotations. You can do this now if you can use SVG, but this doesn't work with generated content yet.
Prince 8.1 is now available, with support for CSS3 Transforms! :D