CSS Selectors

Below are examples of all of the CSS selectors supported by Prince 5.1. For their precise definition please refer to the CSS specifications.


* elements in the default namespace
|* elements in no namespace
ns|* elements in the namespace with prefix ns
*|* elements in any or no namespace


div div elements in the default namespace
|div div elements in no namespace
ns|div div elements in the namespace with prefix ns
*|div div elements in any namespace or in none


div p p elements that are within a div element
* p p elements that are within any element (ie. not the root element)


div > p p elements that are the direct children of div elements
p > * any elements that are the direct children of p elements

Direct Sibling

div + p p elements that directly follow div elements
p + * any elements that directly follow p elements

Indirect Sibling

div ~ p p elements anywhere after div elements
p ~ * any elements anywhere after p elements


*[href] elements with an href attribute
*[align="right"] elements with an align attribute of right
*[href^="http:"] elements with an href attribute beginning with http:
*[href$=foo] elements with an href attribute ending with foo
*[href*=foo] elements with an href attribute containing foo
*[words~=foo] elements with a words attribute containing the word foo
*[lang|=en] elements with a lang attribute equal to or beginning with en


p.intro p elements with a class attribute containing the word intro


p#intro p elements with an id attribute of intro


:link elements that represent links
a[href^="mailto:"]:link elements that link to an email address


:lang(en) elements whose specified language is English
q:lang(fr-CA) quotes whose specified language is French (Canadian)


p:contains("synergy") paragraphs containing the text "synergy"


:root the root element of the document
html:root html root elements
:root > * children of the root element


div:empty every empty div element


*:not(p) every element except p elements
div:not(:empty) every non-empty div element
a:not([href]) every a element without a href attribute

First Child

div > :first-child the first child of a div element

Last Child

div > :last-child the last child of a div element

Only Child

div > :only-child the only child of a div element

First of Type

div > p:first-of-type the first p element child of a div element

Last of Type

div > p:last-of-type the last p element child of a div element

Only of Type

div > p:only-of-type the only p element child of a div element

Nth Child

div > :nth-child(3) the third child of a div element
div > :nth-child(even) every even child of a div element
div > :nth-child(odd) every odd child of a div element
div > :nth-child(3n) every third child of a div element

Nth Last Child

div > :nth-last-child(3) the third last child of a div element
div > :nth-last-child(even) every even last child of a div element
div > :nth-last-child(odd) every odd last child of a div element
div > :nth-last-child(3n) every third last child of a div element

Nth of Type

div > p:nth-of-type(3) the third p element child of a div element
div > p:nth-of-type(even) every even p element child of a div element
div > p:nth-of-type(odd) every odd p element child of a div element
div > p:nth-of-type(3n) every third p element child of a div element

Nth Last of Type

div > p:nth-last-of-type(3) the third last p element child of a div element
div > p:nth-last-of-type(even) every even last p element child of a div element
div > p:nth-last-of-type(odd) every odd last p element child of a div element
div > p:nth-last-of-type(3n) every third last p element child of a div element


::before This pseudo-element can be used with the content property to add generated content not present in the original document. For example, p::before can be used to insert text at the beginning of every paragraph element.
::after This pseudo-element can be used with the content property to add generated content not present in the original document. For example, p::after can be used to insert text at the end of every paragraph element.
::marker This pseudo-element is for applying style to list item markers.
::first-letter This pseudo-element is for applying style to the first letter of an element.
::footnote-call This pseudo-element is for applying style to footnote calls, the numeric anchors in the main text that refer to footnotes.
::footnote-marker This pseudo-element is for applying style to footnote markers, the numeric markers placed in front of the footnote text.