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different page layout on left / right page

I'm searching for a way to style the left pages different to the right ones.
Up to now i have found a way, to manipulate the headers and footers differently. But not the page content itself.

Is there really no way for this?

Or how can I tell prince to use
text-align: right
to paragraphs on the left page and
text-align: left
on right pages?
Try text-align: inside or outside.
Inside works. Thanks!
But to be frankly it was only a simple example. My need is bigger than only a different text align.

I have created a template in Google Docs.

This template have an annotation sidebar. The annotations are created by CSS. For this i misuse the
tag, because this one can be selected by pressing Ctrl+, in Google Docs. Via CSS i change the behavior of sub and place it at the sidebar.

But i want to have the sidebar on the left page at left. And on the right page at right. But i can find no way for it...

Edited by luxxx

You can also use float: inside or outside, and the margin-inside / margin-outside properties, would these help?
I'm on a good way. but it is still not enough.
yes margin-inside/outside helps a bit. but with this i can change only the margin-right on left pages. but on these i also need to change the margin-left and the padding.

How can i use float: inside / outside?
You can try something like this:
div {
    float: outside;
    margin-outside: -2cm

Floating the block to the outside of the page, and using a negative margin to pull it into a sidebar, away from the main content.
Thanks Mikeday!

I needed some experiments to understand how it works. But now it's done!
I only needed margin-inside/outside and text-align:inside.

I guess it's the first template for double sided print on google docs:

Lutz :D
Fantastic, looks great! :D