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Distinct Footnotes

Is there a way to consolidate footnotes -> having multiple text elements on a page referencing the same footnote.
Allow multiple references to the same footnote. (ref)

That is on the roadmap. Currently scheduled after 7.1 release.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Thanks for the info.

We found a workaround which we will use in the meantime (see code below). To make sure that the standard footnotes are in sequence with the manually placed footnotes the counter 'enote' is used for both.
    <title>Multiple Footnote References</title>
    <style type="text/css">

@page {
  counter-reset: enote;

[a]::after {
  content: target-counter(attr(a), enote, asterisks);

.manual-footnote {
  font-size: 8pt;
  counter-increment: enote;
  display: prince-footnote;
  footnote-style-position: inside;
.manual-footnote::before {
  content: counter(enote, asterisks);

.manual-footnote::footnote-call {
   content: counter(enote, symbols('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''));
.manual-footnote::footnote-marker {
   content: counter(enote, symbols('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''));
   footnote-style-position: inside;
	<p>Some text ...<p class="manual-footnote" id="F1">Footnote 1</p><p class="manual-footnote" id="F2">Footnote 2</p></p>
	<p a="#F1">Ref. 1 to Footnote 1</p>
	<p a="#F1">Ref. 2 to Footnote 1</p>
	<p a="#F2">Ref. 1 to Footnote 2</p>
	<p a="#F2">Ref. 2 to Footnote 2</p>
.manual-footnote {
  font-size: 8pt;
  counter-increment: enote;
  display: prince-footnote;
  footnote-style-position: inside;

Do you want to increment in .manual?

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

I know, since this workaround is static it isn't a real solution but I was looking for a way to have multiple references to the same text and the text had to be displayed correctly together with standard footnotes.
All you really want is a duplicate marker to show in text at the position of the footnote. You don't need to duplicate the footnote text.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators