Forum How do I...?


I am using Prince with Mindtouch on Windows Server 2008, the pdf export works but it is not picking up the stylesheet prince.css. I was hoping to find a way to debug prince to see if it just isn't finding the css or isn't looking. Following a post on the Mindtouch forum I created a batch file that is supposed to turn on logging but I am not having much luck. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! (BTW we have a server license)


@echo off
"C:\Program Files\Prince\Engine\bin\prince.exe" -v --log=C:\Prince.txt %*
sample argument line that is working:

--verbose --server --log-stats --style "C:\d\Research\c2x\ox 2 column justified Prince.css" --style "C:\Documents and Settings\Albright\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\princess2\princess2\bin\Debug\RequiredFiles\PrincessShowTrackingColor.css" --log "C:\d\Research\c2x\log-current.txt" --output "C:\d\Research\c2x\output.pdf" --input "auto" "C:\d\Research\c2x\output.html.copy"

--style xxxxxx to add the style sheet

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators


Thank you so much! I didn't get the debugging but I did get it to force the stylesheet.

I have a friend that interned at Wycliffe Bible Translators a couple summers ago...

Thanks again
Glad to help.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators