Forum How do I...? security and PrinceXML

So, I am in the final phase of my (2.0)/Prince integration project, and everything is working wonderfully. Made it through issues regarding PDFs shrink to fit, and even a thorny issue of putting Prince.exe into a Backgroundworker thread, and even built a viewer window for the PDF in AJAX. Looks incredibly slick.

However, I have implemented basic security, and it still works great, but when I launch the Prince process, I get a pdf of the login screen.

Since I am passing the session info in the URL that goes into the Prince.exe, I'm unsure as to why this is happening. Can anyone help point me in the right direction?

Thanks again,
Is all the session information in the URL? There are no cookies as well?
Yes. I am also running in ASP in a "cookieless" session state as well, so there's no other session info that's not being sent in the URL. Will have to look into how ASP security is handling this, because Prince's, sethttpuser and password doesn't seem to affect it either.
Ok.. turns out once you go down the road of setting up users and roles in ASP, you then need to explicitly grant the users or roles GET and POST permissions to each resource they need (specifically the prince directory).