Forum How do I...?

… use HTML5 without error messages?

The file
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>HTML5 and MathML</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
		HTML5 and MathML:
validates correctly using “This document was successfully checked as HTML5!”.

However, Prince outputs the following errors:
$ prince html5-math.html html5-math.pdf
prince: html5-math.html:10: error: Tag math invalid
prince: html5-math.html:11: error: Tag mrow invalid
prince: html5-math.html:12: error: Tag mi invalid
prince: html5-math.html:13: error: Tag mo invalid
prince: html5-math.html:14: error: Tag mn invalid
The error messages can't be avoided at present as we are not using a HTML5 parser, but the MathML should still work. Another option is using XHTML, or using the XML parser with -i xml.