Forum How do I...?

positioning and size of image in footer / header

Hi there!

Images in header an footers can not be positioned, I don't know how, to be precisely :-)
Also, there is a strange behavior, that images are somehow strechted, dont have the actual size there are actually.

Strange is also, that the footer only appears on the last page, even I have:

content: flow(header)
margin: 2cm 0 3cm 0
content: flow(footer)

content: flow(header)
margin: 2cm 0 3cm 0
content: flow(footer)
margin: 2cm 0 3cm 0

flow: static(footer)
margin: 2cm 0 0 0

flow: static(header)
margin: 0 0 2cm 0

it doesn't take an effect....

Is there a section in the documention I missed, or a trick?

I am grateful for every hint!

Thnx a lot, cheers

  1. report_1__28062010181754.png124.7 kB
    itoolz pdf
The footer is probably at the end of your document, and is only appearing on subsequent pages, eg. the last page. If it appears at the beginning of your document, then it will appear on every page. Or, you can specify "static(footer, start)" when you flow it; the "start" keyword is a hint to tell Prince to treat it as if it had appeared at the beginning of the document.

I'm not quite sure about your other questions. Can you post a link to a sample document that demonstrates the problem?
thnx a lot, static(header, start) helped!
is there something, what I should consider, when I bind images in footer / header as a background image?
dpi, pixel (width) e.g. for a A4 Format?

thank you in advance... I am really grateful for your support.
It is amazing how you care about us!
The prince-image-resolution property can be used to specify a DPI value for images, does this help?