Forum How do I...?

floating experience

What I'd like to do:
I have a chapter with |n| paragraphs and unknown |n| full size images within this chapter. The specification is:
Show every fullsize image on the right side (odd) and float the text on every left side.

My first idea (and i think the best way to do it) was to seperate the image tags and paragraphs, because I dont't know how many paragraphs and how many images I will get.

<div class="chapter-content">

<div class="fullsize-images">
  <img src="" />
  <img src="" />

My Question:
Is this the right way or do I have to change the markup?
How to build the Stylesheets? Floating for the Images does'nt work.

Thanks for your help.
So if you have 5 pages of paragraphs and 3 pictures, will it be allowed to have the three pictures on any of the right hand pages? Or do pictures need to be associated with text? Do chapters start on right hand page? Can you start the chapter with a picture on right hand page?

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators