Forum How do I...?

allow break

On Variant I would like to improve the line breaking.
should go on line above. Each part of the dictionary definition is contained in a span with different class name.
.Variant_Form:before  {margin-left: 4pt; content: "Variant: "; color: black ; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic ; font-family: Times New Roman, Gentium, Georgia, serif; } 

does put a left margin on Variant but it seems to be non-breaking. How do I get it to break?

bad break.png

padding-left: 4pt ;
margin-left: 4pt ;

but if I allow a space before Variant I get

good break.png

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

  1. bad break.png7.8 kB
  2. good break.png7.8 kB
Hmm, what does the markup look like, and what exactly is the problem?
The xml is all on one line but I broke it out for clarity:
<span class="Lemma">abis</span>
<span class="Part_Of_Speech">vi</span>
<span class="Definition_English">completely, over, finished, done</span>
<span class="Gloss_National">habis, selesai</span>
<span class="Encyclopedic_English">As a main verb, <span class=" fv">abis can be modified periphrastic causatives, etc. As the second verb in a serial construction, <span class=" fv">abis marks completive aspect on the main (preceding) verb.</span>
</span></span><span class="Example_Sentence_Vernacular">Acara di tv su abis.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_English">The show on TV is finished.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_National">Acara tv sudah selesai.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_Vernacular">Burung-burung dong datang ko toto bekin abis itu padi dong.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_English">Those birds came and ate (pecked) the rice until it was gone.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_National">Burung-burung itu datang, lalu memakan padi itu hingga habis. </span>
<span class="Part_Of_Speech">Cnj</span><span class="Gloss_English">after, later, afterwards</span>
<span class="Gloss_National">sesudah, setelah, kemudian</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_Vernacular">Abis itu, dong pulang memang.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_English">After that, they went straight home.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_National">Sesudah itu, mereka langsung pulang.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_Vernacular">Ma abis tiga ratus taon, Balanda dong sonde pegang kuasa lai.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_English">But after 300 years, the Dutch did not hold power any more.</span>
<span class="Example_Sentence_National">Tetapi setelah 300 tahun, orang-orang Belanda tidak lagi memerintah di sini.</span>
<span class="Variant_Form">ais, as</span>

I generate the CSS from this program.
dictionary css.png

/* Cascading Style Sheet for dictionaries */

/* ************************************** */
/* **************** spans *************** */
/* ************************************** */

/* generated CSS 10-23-2010 11:13:42 PM */
.Borrowed_Word {margin-left: 4pt ; }
.Borrowed_Word:after {content: "."; font-weight: normal ;}
.Borrowed_Word:before {content: "Borrowed word: "; color: black ; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic ; font-family: Times New Roman, Gentium, Georgia, serif; }
.Cross_Reference {margin-left: 4pt ; font-family: Andika Basic, Comic Sans MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; color: teal ; }
.Cross_Reference:before {content: "See: "; color: black ; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic ; font-family: Times New Roman, Gentium, Georgia, serif; }
.Cross_Reference_English_Gloss {margin-left: 4pt ; }
.Cross_Reference_English_Gloss:before {}
.Cross_Reference_National_Gloss {margin-left: 4pt ; color: purple ; }
.Cross_Reference_National_Gloss:before {}
.Definition_English {margin-left: 4pt ; }
.Definition_English:after {content: ";"; font-weight: normal ;}
.Definition_English:before {}
.Definition_National {margin-left: 4pt ; }
.Definition_National:after {content: "."; font-weight: normal ;}
.Definition_National:before {}
.Encyclopedic_English {margin-left: 4pt ; }
.Encyclopedic_English:before {}
.Example_Sentence_English {margin-left: 4pt ; }
.Example_Sentence_English:before {}
.Example_Sentence_National {margin-left: 4pt ; font-style: italic ; color: purple ; }
.Example_Sentence_National:before {}
.Example_Sentence_Vernacular {margin-left: 4pt ; font-family: Andika Basic, Comic Sans MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; color: navy ; }
.Example_Sentence_Vernacular:before {}
.Gloss_English {margin-left: 4pt ; }
.Gloss_English:after {content: ";"; font-weight: normal ;}
.Gloss_English:before {}
.Gloss_National {margin-left: 4pt ; font-style: italic ; color: purple ; }
.Gloss_National:after {content: "."; font-weight: normal ;}
.Gloss_National:before {}
.Homonym_Number {display: inline ; vertical-align: sub ; font-size: 60% ; }
.Homonym_Number ~ .Homonym_Number {display: run-in ; margin-left: 0pt ;}
.Homonym_Number:before {content: ""; color: black ; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic ; font-family: Times New Roman, Gentium, Georgia, serif; }
.Lemma {string-set: LemmaString content() ; font-family: Andika Basic, Comic Sans MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; }
.Main_Entry_Form {margin-left: 4pt ; font-family: Andika Basic, Comic Sans MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; color: teal ; }
.Main_Entry_Form:after {content: "."; font-weight: normal ;}
.Main_Entry_Form:before {content: "See: "; color: black ; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic ; font-family: Times New Roman, Gentium, Georgia, serif; }
.Morphemic_Representation {margin-left: 4pt ; }
.Morphemic_Representation:before {}
.Part_Of_Speech {margin-left: 4pt ; display: inline ; font-style: italic ; color: blue ; font-size: 90% ; }
.Part_Of_Speech ~ .Part_Of_Speech {display: run-in ; margin-left: 0pt ;}
.Part_Of_Speech:after {content: "."; font-weight: normal ;}
.Part_Of_Speech:before {}
.Phonetic {margin-left: 4pt ; font-family: Andika Basic, Comic Sans MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; color: navy ; }
.Phonetic:after {content: "]"; font-weight: normal ;}
.Phonetic:before {content: "["; color: black ; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal ; font-family: Times New Roman, Gentium, Georgia, serif; }
.Sense_Number {margin-left: 4pt ; display: inline ; font-weight: bold ; }
.Sense_Number ~ .Sense_Number {display: run-in ; margin-left: 0pt ;}
.Sense_Number:after {content: " • "; font-weight: normal ;}
.Sense_Number:before {}
.Subentry {margin-left: 4pt ; font-family: Andika Basic, Comic Sans MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; }
.Subentry:before {}
.Usage_English {margin-left: 4pt ; }
.Usage_English:after {content: ";"; font-weight: normal ;}
.Usage_English:before {content: "Usage: "; color: black ; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic ; font-family: Times New Roman, Gentium, Georgia, serif; }
.Usage_National {margin-left: 4pt ; font-style: italic ; color: purple ; }
.Usage_National:after {content: "."; font-weight: normal ;}
.Usage_National:before {}
.Variant_Form { font-family: Andika Basic, Comic Sans MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; color: navy ; }
.Variant_Form:after {content: "."; font-weight: normal ;}
.Variant_Form:before {margin-left: 4pt; content: "Variant: "; color: black ; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic ; font-family: Times New Roman, Gentium, Georgia, serif; }
.Subentry {display: run-in ; margin-left: 0pt ;}
.Subentry ~ .Part_Of_Speech {display: inline ; margin-left: 4pt; }
/* 60 lines generated */

.fv {font-family: Andika Basic, Comic Sans MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; }
.fb {font-weight: bold ; background-color: pink ; }
.fi {font-style: italic ; }

The problem is that the margin-left: 4pt acts as a non-breaking space. It keeps the preceding word with it. If I put in a space before, that works here but in a different context I don't get any space at all even though there is a space before. The context is in Gloss_English following the second Part_Of_Speech. As shown this is with the margin-left. When I remove margin-left and put in a space, no space exists between the second Part_Of_Speech and the Gloss_English.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

  1. dictionary css.png36.8 kB
Horizontal margins on spans do not count as break points, so if the XML is all on one line and there is no space before the "Variant:" then there is no space between the "sini." and the "Variant:", resulting in one word "sini.Variant:" that happens to have some margin in the middle. Is there any reason why you can't put space before it, eg. " Variant: "?
Thanks for clarifying that. Where is that information found?

Adding the space before does fix the problem with Variant but brings back a problem with no space following Cnj. at
<span class="Part_Of_Speech">Cnj</span><span class="Gloss_English">after, later, afterwards</span>.

The problem does NOT occur if Gloss_English follows the first Part_Of_Speech.

missing space after Part_Of_Speech.png

I added
.Part_Of_Speech ~ .Part_Of_Speech:after {content: ". " ; font-weight: normal ;}
to fix the problem but I don't know why I needed to add a space after the period here and a space before Gloss_English also.
Oh the mysteries of computers.

correct space following Part_Of_Speech.png

.Part_Of_Speech {display: inline ; font-style: italic ; color: blue ; font-size: 90% ; }
.Part_Of_Speech ~ .Part_Of_Speech {display: run-in ; }
.Part_Of_Speech ~ .Part_Of_Speech:after {content: ". " ; ; font-weight: normal ;}
.Part_Of_Speech:after {content: "."; font-weight: normal ;}
.Part_Of_Speech:before {content: " "; }
.Gloss_English {}
.Gloss_English:after {content: ";"; font-weight: normal ;}
.Gloss_English:before {content: " "; }

When I change
.Gloss_English:before {content: "x x"; }
The "x x' shows up as expected
but with
.Gloss_English:before {content: " "; }
The space before disappears as in first attached file.

So something eats the space but I don't know what.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

  1. correct space following Part_Of_Speech.png44.8 kB
  2. missing space after Part_Of_Speech.png47.4 kB
Would throwing in a zero-width space here and there help? I've found them to be quite handy with Prince :)

Thanks Dave,

I'll keep that in mind. I have it working now.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators