Forum How do I...?

Mention that a figure is on the next page

Hi everybody, and specially Mike, whose answers and advices are so helpful! :D

When a figure is sent to the next page because of lack of room, I'd like to find a way to automatically mention at the bottom of the page that the expected figure is located on the next page.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit [...]
as shown in the following figure:

Figure located on the next page (mention placed automatically)

_____________________ page break


How can I manage to do that?

Great thanks in advance for your help
That might be quite difficult to do, actually. The only way I can think of is a terrible hack using the caption-page property. I will try this out and get back to you. :)
It is even possible that your last line will be the last line on the page making it impossible to add that text.

I don't see a problem with

the following figure:

As people know to turn the page.

Or how about
figure 12.5.

and let them find it on the next page.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Yes, I think that this is not going to be possible to do currently, as it will require some new CSS property.
Thank you, Mike, for your trying.

So I'll insert the mention manually or,, if I manage, semi-automatically. (This mention allows to avoid the disgracious blank between the last text line and the bottom of the page when the figure can't be placed on the page.)
Another option is to use "float: prince-top-if-necessary", which will move the image to the top of the next page if it can't fit on the current page, with the following content moving up to fill in the blank space.
Thank you, Mike, for your suggestion.

I tried this option, but I'm afraid that it doesn't meet my mode of writing: I usually don't number figures and, in many cases, the figure is a semantic part of the phrase (sometimes, it is placed inside a phrase); therefore the exact alternance between the text and the figures is, for me, really important.

I partially cleared up my need by assigning a specific style to the few figures which are moved at the top of the next page and by using a ::before pseudo-element:

p.Figure_next_page::before {
display: block;
content: string(figure-on-the-next-page);

Ideally, if there were something like p:top-of-page, it would simply resolve the problem :

p.Figure:top-of-page::before {
display: block;
content: string(figure-on-the-next-page);

Is it a dream ? :)

Best regards

We can't do this now, but maybe one day. :)