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Prevent 2 dashes from breaking

I'm working on a set of documents that contain a lot of double-dashes "--" to indicate an abrupt stop in the sentence. Occasionally those double-dashes come right at the edge of a page and the second dash gets wrapped around to the next line.

Is there any way to prevent Prince from doing that?

This an example of this kind of sentence-- A second sentence might go here.
Can you use an em dash character for this? eg. —
Or you can use Non-breaking hyphen I believe.


Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Non-breaking hyphen! Perfect. Thank you.

And no, I can't use an em-dash. The output is monospace and I can't replace 2 dashes with one.

Looks like "hanging-punctuation" might not get into CSS3. Which is really too bad. Prince to the rescue? (
Optional is better than the issue not addressed at all.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators