Forum Bugs

fileroot option


It seems that the fileroot command line option behaves differently in Prince 8.0. It prepends the root directory even to the input file and the style sheets that are specified on the command line.
For example, when I run this:

prince '/iwmnt/CCC/htdocs/000661___eng.html' --media=print --input=html --output='/iwmnt/CCC/htdocs/000661___eng.pdf' --debug --style=/iwmnt/CCC/includes/css/CCR_prince.css --fileroot=/iwmnt/CCC

I get this error message:

prince: Loading document...
prince: loading HTML input: /iwmnt/CCC/htdocs/000661___eng.html
prince: warning: failed to load external entity "/iwmnt/CCC/iwmnt/CCC/htdocs/000661___eng.html"
prince: /iwmnt/CCC/htdocs/000661___eng.html: error: could not load input file
prince: error: no input documents to process
prince: Finished: failure

Is this a bug or the new desired behaviour?


We have made a number of changes to the way --fileroot works, which should hopefully make it more robust and more consistent across all the different ways Prince can process file paths.