Forum Bugs

[7.1] Seeing weird error in prince logs

I am trying to run this page through Prince:

I am seeing the following error in my prince logs:
Tue Nov 8 11:14:05 2011: internal error: eval_knuth: pack inline_block failed.

Any idea what that might be? A little research pointed me toward the second note here:, but that's not terribly conclusive.

Edit: Also this seems to work in Prince 8.0, but that's not currently an option to use for this.
The Wikipedia notes apply to Internet Explorer, not Prince.

The bug is triggered by the error button on the page, which is an inline block. There is probably a way to workaround it by tweaking the layout, but it may not be easy.

The simplest solution would be to upgrade to Prince 8.0, which does fix the bug, and other bugs, and runs faster, and uses less memory, and so on. :)
Thanks, Mike.

Sorry about the bad link! That's what I get for trying to solve problems before my coffee. :(