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Trouble rendering some spec. math characters


I am having trouble rendering some special math related fonts in our XML. I have tried a number of fonts. We have the most success with these fonts:

STIXGeneral.otf, with Symbola.ttf as a fallback.

The following still do not render:

Still outstanding:
147 prince: warning: no glyphs for character U+2205, fallback to '?' -- Empty Set (∅)
24 prince: warning: no glyphs for character U+FE38, fallback to '?' -- Vertical Curly Right Bracket (︸)
18 prince: warning: no glyphs for character U+301B, fallback to '?' -- Right White Square Bracket (〛)
18 prince: warning: no glyphs for character U+301A, fallback to '?' -- Left White Square Bracket (〚)
2 prince: warning: no glyphs for character U+22C5, fallback to '?' -- Dot opertor (⋅)

Interesting to note, U+FE38 is listed as being in Symbola fonts.

We are using Prince 6.0 rev 8.

We have not been able to upgrade to Prince 8 because it is not backwards compatible. We need to maintain compatibility. We plan to retool with Prince 8 soon -- but requires a lot CSS code rework.

Thanks in advance for your help. Regards,
David Link
The STIXGeneral font has glyphs for empty set and dot operator. However, support for OTF fonts was added in Prince 7.0, and is not present in Prince 6.0.

The OpenSymbol font that comes with OpenOffice has glyphs for white square brackets, but so far I have only found some Chinese fonts that have glyphs for vertical curly brackets.
Fixed this by putting a copy of openoffice font in to /usr/share/fonts. (Redhat 5.7)


David Link