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Fold marks

Hi guys,

I was wondering how to do a folding mark for an A4 page. I have tried to use a div with position absolute, but couldnt get it to work. Is there an easier way? These are the specs:

stroke width 0,75 pt
width 0,25 cm
horizontal position left 0,25 cm from left
vertikal position 10.6 cm from top

These are standard folding marks for german letters (A4)

You mean something like this:
@page {
    margin-left: 3.2cm;
    margin-right: 3.2cm;
    margin-top: 2.5cm

#fold {
    position: absolute;
    left: -2.95cm;    /* @page margin-left - 0.25cm */
    right: -2.95cm;   /* @page margin-right - 0.25cm */
    top: 8.1cm;       /* @page margin-top + 10.6cm */
    border-top: solid black 0.75pt

<div id="fold"></div>

I've been struggling with this today, as well – the problem is breaking out of the page margins, positioning elements relative to the page. I have two cases:

1. I'd like to add some visual guides to the page, just to check positioning and whatnot (actually, to check what's happening in problem #2 below)

The most promising solution seems to be something like what @mikeday mentioned here which uses the @top-left-corner{} selector which places an element at the 0, 0 coordinates of the page itself. Though, I'm still having a bit of trouble with this, I think I just need to fiddle with it some more, and will post code here if I can't get it working.

2. There are some pages where I want to 'float' an element vertically outside of the top margin. Example would be all pages have a 50mm top margin, but H1 elements are removed from the normal content flow and placed at 20mm from the top of the page. To complicate things, I'm running different left-right margins for left-right facing pages, so the x-axis position might become an issue. For now, I have something which looks like this:


Which is essentially the solution mentioned here. But this seems a bit of a hack, since I'm specifying a position relative to an arbitrary margin and not the page itself, and if, say, some particular page as a different margin-top value for some reason, then this all breaks and my element is positioned wrong.

@mikeday: might there be a need to extend the position property, adding something like:

position: static | relative | absolute | fixed | page-absolute | margin-absolute 

where the page-absolute and margin-absolute values would position an element, as implied, explicitly in the coordinates of the page or the margins of the document.

It seems that this would be a 'legitimate' extension of standard CSS, since Prince has this additional page/margins dichotomy which is not present in a web browser viewport.
Of course, that would be prince-page-absolute and prince-margin-absolute :D
adriencater wrote:
2. There are some pages where I want to 'float' an element vertically outside of the top margin. Example would be all pages have a 50mm top margin, but H1 elements are removed from the normal content flow and placed at 20mm from the top of the page.

It just occurred to me that I could use a global margin of 20mm for all pages, and then add 30mm of padding for the pages I need, then position the H1 elements I want 'outside' to be set with position:absolute; top:0; which should place it at 20mm position of the margins? But alas, it seems that I can't break through the padding either!
How about using a named flow to move it to a @page margin box and then positioning it from there?