Forum Bugs

License file not picked up within user profile

We have purchased a server license key/file for PrinceXML version 8 for Windows.

It would seem the license file gets installed in the (relevant) user profile directory; something like:

C:\Users\WebSiteAppSvc\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Prince\Engine\license

But it does not get picked up by the engine when running via IIS. We still have the watermark included upon the PDF files.

To work-around the problem, we had to overwrite the free/'personal user' license file, stored in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Prince\Engine\license

With the one that was generated into the user profile directory above.

Where is the engine supposed to be locating the license file (on Windows)?

Do we have to actively delete the personal license file first/at all?

When using the API, do we need to call either the 'SetLicenseFile' or 'SetLicenseKey' methods?
By default \Engine\bin\prince.exe tries to load ..\license\license.dat, so it just grabs whichever license file has been installed in the same location. Clearly the user profile directory concept in Windows 8 complicates that a little bit, but copying the license file manually as you have done is sufficient to solve the problem. You do not need to call SetLicenseFile unless you specifically want to store the license file in a different location, which is not normally necessary.

But just so you know, this issue is occurring upon Windows Server 2008 R2.
Right sorry, temporary brain freeze upon seeing "Windows" and "8" in the same sentence. It gets even more confusing when we compile Prince 8.1 for FreeBSD 8.2. :)