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Running Prince in Windows without UI

Is there a way to invoke Prince on Windows without showing the UI? We have an application which utilizes Prince by invoking it from a Ruby script. On Unix systems we just execute the following:

prince --server --input=html --log=... --baseurl='...' - -o -

and Prince takes our HTML and gives us back a PDF. When I run the same code under Windows, I get the UI window popping up instead.


Run Prince\Engine\bin\prince.exe, which is the command-line program.
Thanks for the tool. I could get it working in my local system with Java.

I have a query, i will need Prince to work from a microservice hosted in AWS, since we will not be able to install Prince or have a control over it in production environment how can we get it working ? Any idea kindly suggest.
You will need to install Prince on the server, otherwise you could try DocRaptor.