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Strange issue with fonts


I have two installs of Prince. One on my Mac Pro 8.1r3 and one on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit 8.1r3. The web application that generates the code is a Ruby on Rails app that is under strict version control. Both the server and the Mac Pro are running the same code base with the same gems and the same database. (Thank you capistrano).

When I save a PDF using Ruby's IO method by passing in the HTML code into the command line stream:

pdf = IO.popen(path, "w+")
    result = pdf.gets(nil)
    return result

The following command is executed (logged for tracking and debugging purposes):

/usr/bin/prince --input=html --server --log=/home/AAA/apps/BBB/releases/20121023145933/log/prince.log --silent - -o -

Here's the problem

When I save a PDF on my mac, the PDF follows all of the font-face style options declared in the inline CSS file (not referenced) but when I save the PDF on the Ubuntu server the font is either System or Times. It refuses to use the two font faces that our document requires (Helvetica and Times).

Any idea what would cause this issue? Any resolution?


Mike Trimm
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Have you installed the Helvetica font on Ubuntu, or are you referring to an explicit font file or URL using an @font-face rule in your CSS?