Forum Bugs

List Item Indent in RTL Documents

Anas R.
Please take a look to this document/page-27:
Text indent still look in the left side, whilest it should appear in the right side in this RTL document.

This must be due to the default rule for <li> elements in our HTML style sheet:
li::marker {
    padding-right: 8pt;
    text-align: right

Currently we don't support direction-neutral keywords, otherwise we could do something like "padding-after" and "text-align: after". Perhaps instead you could override this rule like this:
*[dir="rtl"] li::marker {
    padding-left: 8pt;
    text-align: left

Does this improve the layout of your document?
Anas R.
Unfortunately, no :(
An indent still appear on the left side!

Okay now I'm getting confused, exactly which indent are we talking about? Could you perhaps paste a short sample of HTML that demonstrates the problem?