Forum How do I...?

make a title/cover page for a screenplay

Using a text file conversion program for screenwriters called textplay.

It works great but does not yet permit a title page. The wrinkle is that in the screenwriting world, we need an unnumbered title/cover page that has the title centered in all caps 4 inches down from the top of the page.

Four lines below that: "written by"

Then the author name.

And in the lower left hand corner agent or contact info.

I think the tricky part is that this can't interfere with the first page of the script which typically does not have a header or a page number. Those start on page 2.

Can anybody help me learn how to make the css for a screenplay title page in Prince?


Here is one way to get started:
<!DOCTYPE html>
/* give every page a page number in the footer */
@page {
    @bottom { content: counter(page) }

/* except for the title page */
@page titlepage {
    margin-top: 0;
    @bottom { content: none }
    @bottom-left-corner { content: "Contact Info" }

/* and the second page */
@page:nth(2) {
    @bottom { content: none }

div.title {
    page: titlepage;
    margin-top: 4in;
    text-align: center
<div class="title">
<span>THIS IS THE TITLE</span>
<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>written by<br/>
Author Name
<div class="script">
<p>This is the rest of the script</p>
<p style="page-break-before: always">The second page has a footer.</p>
Thank you!

I shall experiment. I thought I replied already but maybe it did not post?

Much appreciated.

Richard Dooling