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Page specific CSS?

I'm working on a document which uses a larger header on page 1 and a smaller header on subsequent pages. I'm using the @page selector to control the header content and position and this works find. However, I also need to overlay some dynamic text on top of the header. My previous version of the document used the same size header so I was able to just position the text absolutely. However, with two sizes of headers, I would need to use different positioning rules to make the text appear in the proper place. Is there a way to make this happen? Can you use @page and @page:first as part of a CSS selector, something along the lines of this:

@page .foo {
bottom: 1in;

@page:first .foo {
bottom: .5in;

Thanks in advance for any help.

No, sadly this won't work. Can you position the page margin box instead?