Forum Bugs

MathML: mathsize smaller than 1 not working

mathsize doesn't seem to be working properly if I give it values smaller than 1 (#2 below renders the same as #3). It doesn't seem to be related to the decimal point (#5 below works fine); it's really that any value smaller than 1 doesn't seem to have any effect. Is this a bug, and if so, is there a fix/workaround?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0//EN"
<math xmlns="" display="block"><mfenced><msub><mi>i</mi><mi mathsize="10.0">x</mi></msub></mfenced></math>
<math xmlns="" display="block"><mfenced><msub><mi>i</mi><mi mathsize="0.01">x</mi></msub></mfenced></math>
<math xmlns="" display="block"><mfenced><msub><mi>i</mi><mi mathsize="1">x</mi></msub></mfenced></math>
<math xmlns="" display="block"><mfenced><msub><mi>i</mi><mi mathsize="1.0">x</mi></msub></mfenced></math>
<math xmlns="" display="block"><mfenced><msub><mi>i</mi><mi mathsize="1.5">x</mi></msub></mfenced></math>
This is due to the scriptminsize attribute, which prevents text from getting too small in MathML content. This should not be unique to Prince. :)
Ah, super, that works perfectly! Sorry for blaming this one on Prince XML. ;) I had no clue that setting existed. Thanks!