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background color on page content only

I am working on a "worksheet" page in a multi-page PDF. I want the page content of the "@page worksheet" to have a gray background, with various fields within it, while maintaining the white background on the page margins. I have no idea how many fields will be in the worksheet each time it is rendered, but to make it match the mockups I was given by the designer, I want the gray background to fill the page content body area.
I tried adding a second "body" to my "@page worksheet", but that broke my stylesheet. When I apply gray background to "@page worksheet", the entire page including margins, becomes gray.

how do I target the page content body of a name @page? This is the only page within my document that requires this feature.

Thank you!
Can you apply the background to the element instead, and give it a fixed height?
That worked. Thank you!