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Named page causes page break

I have an h1 that's defining my chapter starts. I have defined breaks for the h1s:

h1 {
  page-break-before: always;

All is good:

So now I'm trying to avoid having page numbers on those chapter pages, so I name the page:

h1 {
  page-break-before: always;
  page: chapterstart;

And now all of a sudden there's a page break after:

I've tried to add
page-create-after: avoid
, but it didn't change anything.

What am I doing wrong?

Changing named pages always causes a page break. At the moment the way to do this is by making the entire chapter use a named page, and then select the first page of the chapter:
@page chapter:first { }

You will also need to apply "prince-page-group: start" to the chapter, so that the named page group resets at the beginning of each chapter.
Would I need to set the page for an h1 being a chapter, or does it automatically know this?


h1 {
  page: chapter;
Actually you will need to wrap the entire chapter in an element, eg.
<div class="chapter">
<h1>Chapter Heading</h1>

Then apply the styling to the div.
I'm trying this on the beginning pages. I wrapped them all in
<div class="intro">...</div>

and added:

@page .intro {
  @top-left {
    content: "";

  @bottom-left {
    content: "";

  @bottom-center {
    content: "";

And nothing changed. Did i misinterpret it?
Unfortunately you need the extra level of indirection of creating a named page group, like this:
.intro { page: intro }

@page intro { ... }

The selectors to match elements can't be used with @page rules.