Forum How do I...?

Specifying output PDF size

Hi there. New to Prince...

When calling Prince via the Java interface to convert SVG to PDF, how do I specify the desired size of the output file? Is that done via CSS?

The paper size is specified in CSS with @page rules:
@page  {
    size: A4

Thanks Mike.

This does indeed set the paper size, but the contents appear to be rendered @ 96ppi. How can I convert an SVG spec'd @ 72ppi pixel dimensions and have it fill the specified paper size?

So the question becomes, I think, how can I tell Prince (via the Java interface) the ppi resolution of my SVG input file?

You can specify an absolute width/height on the SVG. If the width and height are only specified on pixels, and never mapped to absolute heights, Prince will interpret it as 96ppi.

There is a new undocumented command-line option --css-dpi=72 that will change the way Prince interprets pixel units. There is no method for this in the Java wrapper yet, but it would not be difficult to add one.
Do you have plans then to add this as a Java wrapper feature, or are you saying that this is something that I could do myself in my Java call to Prince (if I knew what I was doing, which really I don't).

Thoughts? Thanks.
Sorry for the delay. We have updated the Prince Java interface (r8) to include a new setOptions() method which can be used to specify any Prince command-line options that we have not yet created methods for. So if you use the new interface, you can call prince.setOptions("--css-dpi=72") before conversion.
Thanks Mike.