Forum Bugs

Table caption not showing if caption-side:bottom

If the caption is placed below the table then it appears only if the table fits on one page, but not if it spans across multiple pages:
<caption style="caption-side:bottom">some table</caption>

Whereas placing the caption above the table works as expected:
<caption>some table</caption>

With this one the caption shows below the table on the last page - however, I would expect it to show below the table on all pages:
<caption style="caption-side:bottom;prince-caption-page:all">some table</caption>

Contrast with this where the caption is correctly placed above the table on all of the pages:
<caption style="prince-caption-page:all">some table</caption>

Using Prince 10 on Debian "Jessie".
This seems to work for me; please see the attached sample documents below.

Is there some other style on the table or its container that could be causing trouble?
  1. all.html6.7 kB
  2. all.pdf38.6 kB
  3. bottom.html6.7 kB
  4. bottom.pdf38.5 kB
Yes. Cutting away from my document, I got the minimal example attached. Removing from that example the html padding (which is only for the browser version of the document, anyway) makes the problem go away - but only in that minimal example, not in my actual document. In my actual document, removing the page size specification makes the problem go away - but not in the minimal example I managed to create. So my problem is solved unless I want to print in a non-default page size - though it is still weird that sometimes the caption drops out of the page area.
  1. all.html4.5 kB
  2. all.pdf12.4 kB
Thanks, that's very helpful. We will investigate this issue.