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Add Separator Between Elements, Only When Multiple Elements on Page


My document can fit 1-4 sections of text on a page, depending on the size of the section.

I have a double dotted line separator between them.

This looks good, as long as there is at least 2 sections on a page.

However, sometimes a large section will be the only element on a page, followed by my separator.

This looks out of place when there is only one section on a page.

How can I use a section separator, but hide it when only one section fits on a page?

The closest I got was having a border-top and border-bottom to simulate my double dotted line separator, and then using :first-child to hide the 'border-top' for the first element. However, this only works for the first page, and will still have one dotted line for border-bottom, when I would like to completely hide this separator when there is only one section on a page

Edited by barrett777

This may not be possible until we add a new CSS feature for conditional display of content. :(
Okay thanks for the reply. I'll see if I can figure out a workaround