Forum Bugs

When a table is put in a container and given 100% height the rows height does not match web browsers

Table is inside a div and set to 100% height. Table is stretched so that the height is greater than it's contents. Attached are screenshots of how a web browser renders rows and how Prince renders them (it makes them all equal height?). Can this be fixed without me manually setting a height on every row? Currently no rows have explicit heights.

I found an old report from 2009 on this issue and it sounded like it wasn't fixed due to an issue with flowing tables. If that is still the case could you add a custom option to disable it for tables that are known to not flow?


<div style="width:200px; height:800px;">
<table style="height:100%;">

  1. prince.jpg56.6 kB
    how it shows in a pdf from prince
  2. web.jpg59.9 kB
    how it shows in a web browser

Edited by spjonez

Sorry, this is awkward to implement at the moment, so it requires specifying fixed heights on the rows or dividing the space across all of the rows.