Forum Bugs

Word-Break On '/'

I have a piece of text which appears to be applying a line break on a '/' character. I have `word-wrap: normal` applied to it. The particular piece of text for me is "Darryl&DaRiyah Sweetwine/Mrs.Jarvis & Mrs.Diaz 1st & K:"

In both Chrome and Firefox it displays as

Sweetwine/Mrs.Jarvis &
Mrs.Diaz 1st & K:

In Prince it displays as

Darryl&DaRiyah Sweetwine/
Mrs.Jarvis & Mrs.Diaz 1st &
You can apply 'prince-linebreak-magic: none' to disable this behaviour of breaking at slashes, which is intended to help with long URLs that can overflow the page width.
Sweet thank you. That fixed it. I don't overly care since I know how to fix it now, but in general it would probably be better to have the default behavior match what a browser would output since that is how it is advertised. Just my two cents, feel free to ignore me ;)