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Recycle symbol (♲) causing "no glyphs for character" error

I have read through the many posts on this type of error, but nothing in those has helped resolve this issue: "prince: warning: no glyphs for character U+2672, fallback to '?'". U+2672, a.k.a., ♲ or "Universal Recycle Symbol".

Attached are the HTML (stripped down to the barest example from a much larger, more complex document) and the --debug output. Note that this stripped-down example and the original from which it was taken display just fine in all three browsers (Safari, Firefox, and Chrome), and print just fine from them as well.

TextWrangler tells me that the file is saved as UTF-8/Unix LF. So, I don't think that's the problem. Also, I'm pretty sure that the font families contain the symbol. (I added 'Arial Unicode MS' and 'Symbol' to the list in this stripped-down example in an effort to cover more bases -- they are not required in the original to display and print properly in browsers.)

Any insight would be appreciated.
  1. debug-output.txt20.5 kB
  2. please-recycle.html0.7 kB
It appears that Arial Unicode MS doesn't have a glyph for this font. Perhaps it's coming from one of the other Microsoft fonts, like "Segoe UI Symbol" ?
Thanks for the response.

Firefox's "Inspector" to the rescue. The "Fonts" inspector suggested "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN", but "Apple Symbols" also includes it. Since I'm working on a Mac, "Segoe UI Symbol" isn't available, but I gather that it is on Windows 7 and following.