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Image placement in verso/recto pages


Is this possible to float the image in margin left side at verso and margin right side at recto pages automatically?

Find attached the required output examples.
  1. Recto_page.png36.3 kB
  2. verso_page.png36.5 kB
You can use "inside" and "outside" values for the float property and combine it with negative values for margin-inside or margin-outside.
I tried with these values, but it's not works for me. I will try again.

I have used float:top unless-fit value for landscape table, still i'm getting a gap at the end of the previous page. Also, I'm unable to move the table into center of the page.

@page wide {
prince-rotate-body: -90deg; }

table.big {page-break-inside:avoid;float:top unless-fit;page: wide;margin:auto 0;vertical-align:middle;display:block;}
Unfortunately named pages can't be combined with page floats yet.