Forum How do I...?

GZIP Compression

During PDF creation, several external JavaScript files are referenced on another server. These files are compressed but, when Prince requests them, it's passing an Accept-Encoding: identity header in the request.

Is there any configuration option in Prince to tell it to send a header that accepts compression?

GET http://some-server/file.js HTTP/1.1
Host: some-server
User-Agent: Prince/11.2 (
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: identity
Referer: http://localhost/myApp
Connection: Keep-Alive
We will take a look at this. Which Prince version are you running and which platform are you running on?
Thank you.

Prince 11.2
Microsoft Windows
.NET C# Wrapper
We have updated the latest build for Windows to fix this problem.
We have also updated the Windows packages for Prince 11.3.