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Generate a link to a local file system file?

Attached is an input file and output file, and desired output file (-edited). Curious if there is a way to instruct Prince to produce links inside PDFs to local file system bits and let the OS handle the file type requested. In this case I had a PDF and an image in the same directory as the "bar.pdf" file. The link to the PDF opens the PDF "foo.pdf" whereas the link to the image gives me a bad file handler error box.

  1. bar-edited.pdf16.6 kB
    output altered
  2. bar.html0.2 kB
  3. bar.pdf15.4 kB
The PDF spec implies that Remote Go-To Actions are only for linking to PDF files and not other file types, but if viewers support this perhaps we should relax this restriction.

(Another option is to embed the file within the PDF itself if that's appropriate).
On MacOS, seems like it works in and, but not Adobe Reader 2018. It is possible it was removed for obvious security reasons from Reader, or never worked there at all. This was a direct request from a DR customer, so I was mostly curious if there was anyway to control how anchors render, and given the spec says what you say (thanks for the terminology), probably it should just stay PDF only linking. :)