CSS Properties

Below are all of the CSS properties supported by Prince 5.1. For their precise definitions please refer to the CSS specifications.

* properties marked with an asterisk are Prince extensions.

background background-attachment || background-color || background-image || background-position || background-repeat
background-attachment scroll | fixed
background-color color
background-image none | url(filename)
background-position left || right || top || bottom || center || length || percent
background-repeat repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat
bookmark-label* none | content
bookmark-level* none | integer
bookmark-target* self | url(target-url) | attr(target-attr)
border color || border-style || border-width
border-bottom color || border-style || border-width
border-bottom-color color
border-bottom-style none | hidden | solid | dashed | dotted | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
border-bottom-width thin | medium | thick | length
border-collapse separate | collapse
border-color color {1..4}
border-left color || border-style || border-width
border-left-color color
border-left-style none | hidden | solid | dashed | dotted | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
border-left-width thin | medium | thick | length
border-right color || border-style || border-width
border-right-color color
border-right-style none | hidden | solid | dashed | dotted | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
border-right-width thin | medium | thick | length
border-spacing length {1..2}
border-style border-style {1..4}
border-top color || border-style || border-width
border-top-color color
border-top-style none | hidden | solid | dashed | dotted | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
border-top-width thin | medium | thick | length
border-width border-width {1..4}
bottom auto | length | percent
caption-side top | bottom
clear none | left | right | inside | outside | both
clip auto | rect(offset, offset, offset, offset)
color color
column-count number
column-gap length
column-rule column-rule-color || column-rule-style || column-rule-width
column-rule-color color
column-rule-style none | solid | dashed | dotted
column-rule-width thin | medium | thick | length
column-span number | attr(colspan)
content normal | flow(name, page-policy?) | [ "string" | url(filename) | counter(name, counter-style?, page-policy?) | counters(name, "separator", counter-style?, page-policy?) | target-counter(url, counter, counter-style?) | target-content(url) | leader(string) | string(ident, page-policy?) | content() ]+
counter-increment none | [ name number? ]+
counter-reset none | [ name number? ]+
display inline | block | none | list-item | run-in | table | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row-group | table-row | table-cell | table-caption | table-column | table-column-group | inline-block | inline-table | prince-footnote
empty-cells show | hide
float none | left | right | inside | outside | top | bottom | top-next | bottom-next
flow* normal | static(name)
font font-style? font-weight? font-size [ / line-height ]? font-family
font-family [ serif | sans-serif | monospace | name | "name" ]+
font-size length | smaller | larger | xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large
font-style normal | italic
font-weight normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
footnote-style-position outside | inside
height auto | length | percent
image-resolution* dpi | normal | auto [ , normal | dpi ]?
left auto | length | percent
letter-spacing normal | length
line-stacking-strategy inline-line-height | block-line-height | max-height | grid-height
line-height normal | none | number | length
link* none | url(target-url) | attr(target-attr)
list-style list-style-position || list-style-type
list-style-position outside | inside
list-style-type disc | hyphen | decimal | decimal-leading-zero | lower-roman | upper-roman | lower-alpha | upper-alpha | lower-hexadecimal | upper-hexadecimal | binary | octal | asterisks
margin [ auto | length | percent ] {1..4}
margin-bottom auto | length | percent
margin-inside auto | length | percent
margin-left auto | length | percent
margin-outside auto | length | percent
margin-right auto | length | percent
margin-top auto | length | percent
max-height none | length | percent
max-width none | length | percent
min-height length | percent
min-width length | percent
orphans integer
overflow visible | hidden
padding [ length | percent ] {1..4}
padding-bottom length | percent
padding-left length | percent
padding-right length | percent
padding-top length | percent
page auto | name
page-break-after auto | always | avoid | left | right
page-break-before auto | always | avoid | left | right
page-break-inside auto | avoid
position static | relative | absolute | fixed
prince-bookmark-label* none | content
prince-bookmark-level* none | integer
prince-bookmark-target* self | url(target-url) | attr(target-attr)
prince-flow* normal | static(name)
prince-image-resolution* dpi | normal | auto [ , normal | dpi ]?
prince-link* none | url(target-url) | attr(target-attr)
right auto | length | percent
row-span number | attr(rowspan)
string-set none | [ ident content ]+
table-layout auto | fixed
text-align left | right | inside | outside | center | justify
text-decoration none | underline || overline || line-through
text-height auto | font-size | text-size | max-size
text-indent length hanging?
text-line-through color || text-line-through-style
text-line-through-color color
text-line-through-style none | solid | dashed | dotted
text-overline color || text-overline-style
text-overline-color color
text-overline-style none | solid | dashed | dotted
text-transform none | lowercase | uppercase
text-underline color || text-underline-style
text-underline-color color
text-underline-style none | solid | dashed | dotted
top auto | length | percent
vertical-align baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom | length | percent
visibility visible | hidden
white-space normal | pre | pre-wrap | pre-line | nowrap
widows integer
width auto | length | percent
word-spacing normal | length
z-index auto | number