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Will be absorbing one-time ** "conversion"cost of removing space cells. ** Beneficial to all sides. Might add back once able ** to call on specific tables **2-25-13: Added back in. Will adjust if the pgwide attr in ** Arbortext is set to 1. (Translates to width="1") ***********************************************************/ litem table[width="100%"] { margin-left: -24pt; } litem litem table[width="100%"] { margin-left: -44pt; } litem litem litem table[width="100%"] { margin-left: -66pt; } litem litem litem litem table[width="100%"] { margin-left: -88pt; } litem litem litem litem litem table[width="100%"] { margin-left: -110pt; } litem litem litem litem litem litem table[width="100%"] { margin-left: -132pt; } litem litem litem litem litem litem litem table[width="100%"] { margin-left: -154pt; }