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PDF form how to set textarea/input font size as Auto

Hi there, I'm evaluating PDF form support in the latest build of Prince. One of the requirements we have is to be able to set textarea font size to Auto (see attached screenshot). This will allow PDF users to see all the text entered in the printed version. I was able to set a fixed font size, but I could not figure out how to force the Auto setting. Is there a way to force this setting on PDF form with Prince? This is very important to us, and any help will be highly appreciated.
  1. Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 1.09.50 PM.png260.6 kB
No, it's not possible yet.
We would likely need another property to select 'auto' font size as it's not supported in HTML/CSS.
The latest build supports a new CSS property -prince-pdf-form-field-font-size: normal | auto (defaulting to normal) that allows text inputs in PDF forms to automatically size the text to fit the available space.