Forum Bugs

Phantom border line when using box-decoration-break:slice

For long tables that wrap to the next page, we want to change from the default behavior to box-decoration-break:slice.

Having this HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <style media="all">
      body { font-size:12pt; }
      table { border-collapse:collapse; }
      td { border:thin solid black; }
      .hidden { display:none; }
    <style media="print">
      @page {
        size: A5 landscape;
        margin: 30mm 18mm 25mm 20mm;
      table { box-decoration-break: slice; }
          <td colspan="2">Tested in the scope of the module integration test.</td>
          <td colspan="3">

There is a phantom horizontal border line at the top of the second page, spanning columns 2 and 3!

I Hope you can fix this for the next release (that we require for some other bug fix).

- - -

Thanks, we have fixed this bug in the latest build.