Forum Bugs

ghostscript and paper orientation (specifically landscape)

I found a strange bug that may/may not be limited to Prince's PDF output (as I don't know the PDF spec at all).

PrinceXML version: Prince 6.0 rev 5 (Personal License) via .deb package
ghostscript affected version: 7.31 and below

We do some funky stuff with converting PDF's to either Postscript or PCL and then send the data off to a Windows box and tell it to print to printer XYZ.

In the CSS for when specifying "size: US-Letter landscape;" to produce a PDF landscape.

Here is the command which prints only portrait
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=<some pcl outputting device> -sPAPERSIZE=letter -OutputFile=bad.pcl -c save pop -f <landscape>.pdf

Adding -dNORANGEPAGESIZE to the command above generates the correct orientation for the PCL output (and hence the actual print out)

Original bug:

A bug of the actual problem I'm seeing:

Commit: ... 6&view=log

See r4798

Is this something you guys can look into and verify that your PDF is doing the correct thing for setting landscape?
Thanks, we'll take a look at this issue.
One thing I should clarify, it actually looks like version 8.14 is the last affected version. But I could be wrong due all the forking and merging that goes on in that project.
In Prince 6.0 rev 6 we have made some major changes to the treatment of landscape pages, which should hopefully eliminate the problems that you experienced. Please let us know how it goes.
"mikeday" wrote:
In Prince 6.0 rev 6 we have made some major changes to the treatment of landscape pages, which should hopefully eliminate the problems that you experienced. Please let us know how it goes.

Yep, everything works fine with and without the -dNORANGEPAGESIZE. Thanks!