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How to hypenate words in caps?

Could you please be so kind as to let m know how to get Prince to hyphenate upper case words, it you don't mind? While it seems to hyphenate words which begin with a capital letter, it seems to ignore words that are in all caps.
  1. caps.jpg67.1 kB
Have you considered putting these into small caps? That would mean all of this text would be in lower case or caps/lc as for proper nouns.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Thanks for the suggestion, Jim. I'll write a macro to do that if Mike can't suggest a simpler solution.
The only way to do this is to modify the en.hyp file in the Prince installation so that all the text is uppercased. I can email you this file if that would be more convenient.

I'm not sure if hyphenating uppercase text is a very good idea, but then having large amounts of uppercase text is probably a bad idea in the first place, if you want people to actually read it and understand it. :)
Yes, having text is all upper case is designed so people will NOT read it. That is why the fine print is now in UC.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Thanks for the solution Mike. I totally agree that all caps looks bad; Jim's idea of small caps looks better (and requires hardly any hyphenation).
We have fixed this in Prince 8.1, so that uppercase and capitalised words should now be hyphenated correctly.