SVG can be included in any XML document simply by adding a svg element.
The display, float and flow properties and all margin, padding, border and background properties can be applied to the top-level svg element but not to child elements within it.
The following elements are supported inside the svg element:
Element | Usage |
g | for grouping related graphics elements |
rect | for defining rectangles |
circle | for defining circles |
ellipse | for defining ellipses |
line | for defining lines |
polyline | for defining polylines |
polygon | for defining polygons |
path | for defining arbitrary paths |
text | for defining text |
tspan | for adjusting text and font properties and the current text position inside the text element |
View box and view port
The svg element should include view box and view port information so that the SVG content can be correctly mapped to the containing box.
<svg width="3cm" height="2cm" viewBox="0 0 300 200">
<!-- the SVG content -->
Attribute | Meaning |
width | the width of the viewport (100% of the container width, if omitted) |
height | the height of the viewport (100% of the container width, if omitted) |
viewBox (x y width height) |
the x, y coordinate of the top left corner of the view box and the width and height of the viewbox |
Rectangles are created using the rect element.
Attribute | Meaning |
x, y | the x, y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle |
width | the width of the rectangle |
height | the height of the rectangle |
rx, ry | the radii for rounded corners |
<svg viewBox="0 0 500 300" width="10cm" height="6cm"> <g fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="20"> <rect x="50" y="50" width="400" height="200" rx="80" ry="50"/> </g> </svg>

Circles are created using the circle element.
Attribute | Meaning |
cx, cy | the centre of the circle |
r | the radius of the circle |
<svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="5cm" height="5cm"> <g fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="20"> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="100"/> </g> </svg>

Ellipses are created using the ellipse element.
Attribute | Meaning |
cx, cy | the centre of the ellipse |
rx, ry | the radii of the ellipse |
<svg viewBox="-10 0 220 200" width="6cm" height="6cm"> <g fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="20"> <ellipse cx="100" cy="100" rx="100" ry="60" /> </g> </svg>

Lines are created using the line element.
Attribute | Meaning |
x1, y1 | the start point of the line |
x2, y2 | the end point of the line |
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 50" width="6cm" height="3cm"> <g stroke="gray" stroke-width="2"> <line x1="10" y1="25" x2="90" y2="25"/> </g> </svg>

Polylines are created using the polyline element.
Attribute | Meaning |
points | list of points that defines the line. Points are separated by space; each point is a pair of x, y coordinates separated by comma. |
<svg viewBox="0 0 600 400" width="6cm" height="4cm"> <g stroke="gray" stroke-width="10"> <polyline points="50,300 200,300 200,100 400,100 400,300 550,300" /> </g> </svg>

Polygons are created using the polygon element.
Attribute | Meaning |
points | list of points that defines the line. Points are separated by space; each point is a pair of x, y coordinates separated by comma. |
<svg viewBox="600 0 600 400" width="6cm" height="4cm"> <g fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="10"> <polygon points="850,75 958,137.5 958,262.5 850,325 742,262.6 742,137.5" /> </g> </svg>

The path element is for defining arbitrary paths. The d attribute inside the element path takes a list of path commands. Parameters of a command can be separated either by a space or a comma.
Command | Parameters | Meaning |
M (absolute) m (relative) |
(x y)+ | moves to the given (x, y) coordinates to start a new subpath |
Z or z | none | closes the current subpath |
L (absolute) l (relative) |
(x y)+ | draws a line to the given (x, y) coordinates |
H (absolute) h (relative) |
x+ | draws a horizontal line to the given x coordinates |
V (absolute) v (relative) |
y+ | draws a vertical line to the given y coordinates |
C (absolute) c (relative) |
(x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+ | draws a cubic Bézier curve to the given (x,y) coordinates, uses the given (x1,y1) coordinates as the first control point, the (x2,y2) coordinates as the second control point |
S (absolute) s (relative) |
(x2 y2 x y)+ | short hand of the C/c command: the reflection relative to the current point of the second control point of the previous command is used as the first control point. |
Q (absolute) q (relative) |
(x1 y1 x y)+ | draws a quadratic cubic Bézier curve to the given (x,y) coordinates, uses the given (x1,y1) coordinates as the control point. |
T (absolute) t (relative) |
(x y)+ | short hand of the Q/q command: the reflection relative to the current point of the control point of the previous command is used as the control point. |
A (absolute) a (relative) |
(rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+ | draws an elliptical arc to (x, y): the size and rotation of the ellipse are defined by two radii (rx, ry) and the x-axis-rotation; the center (cx, cy) of the ellipse is also determined by the large-arc-flag and sweep-flag constraint. |
<svg viewBox="0 0 600 400" width="12cm" height="8cm"> <g fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="10"> <path d="M100,200 C100,100 250,100 250,200 S400,300 400,200" /> </g> </svg>

The text element is supported inside the svg element; the tspan element is supported inside the text element.
Attribute | Meaning |
x, y | the absolute position of the text |
dx, dy | the relative offset of the current text position (optional) |
<svg viewBox="0 0 1000 300" width="10cm" height="3cm"> <text x="200" y="150" fill="blue" font-size="70"> That <tspan dx="2em" dy="-50" font-weight="bold" fill="red" > is </tspan> <tspan dy="100"> a peach! </tspan> </text> </svg>

The transform attribute can be used on g, path and all of the basic shape elements. It accepts any sequence of the following transformations separated by spaces.
- translate(tx ty)
- scale(sx [sy])
- rotate(angle)
- skewX(angle)
- skewY(angle)
- matrix(a b c d e f)
<svg viewBox="-150 -200 1400 700" width="12cm" height="6cm"> <g fill="none" stroke-width="30"> <rect width="400" height="200" stroke="lightgray"/> <rect width="400" height="200" stroke="darkgreen" transform="rotate(-30)"/> <g transform="translate(700 100) rotate(-30)"> <rect width="400" height="200" stroke="blue"/> </g> </g> </svg>

Style Properties
The following style properties are supported and can be applied to SVG elements:
- font-family
- font-size
- font-style
- font-weight
- fill
- fill-rule
- stroke
- stroke-linecap
- stroke-linejoin
- stroke-dasharray
- stroke-dashoffset
- stroke-width
- text-anchor
There are two ways to apply style properties:
Using presentation attributes:
<rect fill="yellow" stroke="blue" stroke-width="20" width="200" height="100"/>
Using the style attribute:
<rect style="fill:yellow; stroke:blue; stroke-width:20" width="200" height="100"/>