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addScript(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Add a JavaScript script that will be executed before conversion.
addStyleSheet(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Add a CSS style sheet that will be applied to each document.


clearScripts() - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Clear all of the JavaScript scripts.
clearStyleSheets() - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Clear all of the CSS style sheets.
com.princexml - package com.princexml
convert(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Convert an XML or HTML file to a PDF file.
convert(String, String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Convert an XML or HTML file to a PDF file.
convert(String, OutputStream) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Convert an XML or HTML file to a PDF file.
convert(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Convert an XML or HTML file to a PDF file.
convert(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class com.princexml.PrinceControl
Convert an XML or HTML file to a PDF file.
convert(byte[], OutputStream) - Method in class com.princexml.PrinceControl
Convert an XML or HTML file to a PDF file.
convertMultiple(List, String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Convert multiple XML or HTML files to a PDF file.
convertString(String, String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Convert an XML or HTML file to a PDF file.
convertString(String, OutputStream) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Convert an XML or HTML file to a PDF file.


getBaseCommandLine() - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Get the command line used to call Prince.
getJobCommandLine() - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Get the command line used to call Prince.
getVersion() - Method in class com.princexml.PrinceControl
Get the version string for the running Prince process.


mBaseURL - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mCompress - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mDisallowAnnotate - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mDisallowCopy - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mDisallowModify - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mDisallowPrint - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mEmbedFonts - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mEncrypt - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mFallbackCMYKProfile - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mFileRoot - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mForceIdentityEncoding - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mInputType - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mJavaScript - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mKeyBits - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mOwnerPassword - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mPDFOutputIntent - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mPDFProfile - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mPDFXMP - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mScripts - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mStyleSheets - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mSubsetFonts - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mUserPassword - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince
mXInclude - Variable in class com.princexml.Prince


onMessage(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.princexml.PrinceEvents
This method will be called when a warning or error message is received from Prince.


Prince - Class in com.princexml
The main Prince class.
Prince(String) - Constructor for class com.princexml.Prince
Constructor for Prince.
Prince(String, PrinceEvents) - Constructor for class com.princexml.Prince
Constructor for Prince.
PrinceControl - Class in com.princexml
Class for creating persistent Prince control processes that can be used for multiple consecutive document conversions.
PrinceControl(String) - Constructor for class com.princexml.PrinceControl
Constructor for PrinceControl.
PrinceControl(String, PrinceEvents) - Constructor for class com.princexml.PrinceControl
Constructor for PrinceControl.
PrinceEvents - Interface in com.princexml
The PrinceEvents interface can be used to receive warning and error messages from Prince.


readMessages(BufferedReader) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince


setBaseURL(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify the base URL of the input document.
setCompress(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether compression should be applied to the output PDF file.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Enable logging of debug messages.
setEmbedFonts(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether fonts should be embedded in the output PDF file.
setEncrypt(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether encryption should be applied to the output PDF file.
setEncryptInfo(int, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Set the parameters used for PDF encryption.
setFallbackCMYKProfile(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify the fallback CMYK ICC color profile.
setFileRoot(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify the root directory for absolute filenames.
setForceIdentityEncoding(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether fonts should be forced to use identity encoding.
setHTML(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether documents should be parsed as HTML or XML/XHTML.
setHttpPassword(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify the password for HTTP basic authentication.
setHttpProxy(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify the URL for the HTTP proxy server, if needed.
setHttpUsername(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify the username for HTTP basic authentication.
setInputType(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether documents should be parsed as HTML or XML/XHTML.
setJavaScript(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether JavaScript scripts found in the document should be executed during document conversion.
setLog(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify a file that Prince should use to log error/warning messages.
setNetwork(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether network access is allowed for downloading HTTP resources.
setOptions(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify additional Prince command-line options.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify additional Prince command-line options.
setPDFOutputIntent(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify the PDF output intent ICC color profile.
setPDFProfile(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify the PDF profile.
setPDFXMP(String) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify a PDF XMP metadata file.
setSubsetFonts(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether embedded fonts should be subset to only include the glyphs that are actually used in the PDF file.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Enable verbose logging of informative messages.
setXInclude(boolean) - Method in class com.princexml.Prince
Specify whether XML Inclusions (XInclude) processing should be applied to input documents.
start() - Method in class com.princexml.PrinceControl
Start a Prince control process that can be used for multiple consecutive document conversions.
stop() - Method in class com.princexml.PrinceControl
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