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Basic help Posting XML


Here is what I need, which I assume is basic. Any sample code or customization help would be appreciated.

1. Sent XML data Via Http post
2. Have a style sheet applied to produce a table
3. Have the table send back as a pdf to the user

On the server side the sample code can be in php or asp if need be. I'm also not great with css some any examples with formatting a table from the XML would help.

Thank you
Prince can do the part where the XML or HTML document is converted to PDF, but the rest would be done as part of your own web application.

First you need to know where the XML is coming from, eg. does the user upload an XML file from their local machine, or is it constructed dynamically with JavaScript in their browser?

Then the server needs to convert it to a suitable arrangement for formatting, perhaps using XSLT, or ASP, or PHP, or whatever technology is appropriate for your app. At this point you can pass the document to Prince for conversion to a PDF which your app can return to the browser.