Forum How do I...?

Table of Tables (by caption)


I have a 250 page book with about 60-70 tables and would like to automatically generate a Table of Tables – i.e., a Table of Contents like table that lists the name and page for every table with a caption.

I have tried mucking around with content: and flow: statements in css, but couldn't wrap my head around this.

Any pointers?
You will need to use another technology like XSLT, PHP, or some other scripting language to generate the table, then you can use CSS to make the page numbers work. Unfortunately it is not possible to create the table purely with CSS at this time.
scripting the table generation is certainly possible (I'm producing XML from docutils, so I can use python to create a table for this). I guess I can crib the page counter thing from my table of contents page numbering then.
