Forum Bugs

Prince doesn't recognize multiple classes/ID's in same tag

If, for example, I specify a class as such:

<span class="class1 class2">some text</span>

Prince doesn't recognize that it needs to style the text with both 'class1' and 'class2' for some reason even when I explicitly specify it in the css:

.class1 {
    color: #000;

.class2 {
    text-align: center;

It doesn't even recognize that the above text should be styled at all with the above css.

However if I:

<span class="class1"><span class="class2">some text</span></span>

Then both 'class1' and 'class2' are now recognized and styled appropriately. The same thing has happened to me when using id's.

Is this a bug or an unsupported usage of multiple classes/id's in the same tag?


Is this a bug or an unsupported usage of multiple classes/id's in the same tag?

Multiple IDs are not allowed, but multiple classes should work. It looks like a bug, but I can't reproduce it as multiple classes work fine for me.
Can you post test page? Does it happen with HTML or XHTML?
Turns out it was my error on the multiple classes problem.

I hadn't realized that multiple id's were bad until this post. I've learned something today. :)

