Forum Bugs

only line right-to-left

text-direction: ltr ;
text-align: justify ;

If you have a 1 line paragraph that does not fill the whole line then the default behavior is to have the paragraph flush left.

After I added
text-align-last: right

I got the expected behavior of the short line starting on the right side.

I was surprised that the text-direction: ltr didn't handle this situation they way I expected.

It could be that I haven't read the spec on this.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

@page {

marks: crop cross ;
font-family: Scheherazade ;
font-style: normal ;
font-size: 11pt ;
line-height: 13pt;
size: 5.8in 8.7in portrait ;
margin-top: 53pt ;
margin-bottom: 39.4pt ;
margin-inside: 36pt ;
margin-outside: 36pt ;
background-image:url('border 40pt 6x9.tif') ;
background-repeat:no-repeat ;
background-position: 0 -3pt ;
text-direction: ltr ;
text-align: justify ;
text-align-last: right ;

does not work ... I had to add the
text-align: justify ;
text-align-last: right ;

p {

text-align: justify ;
text-align-last: right ;
font-style: normal ;
margin: 0 ;
page-break-inside: auto ;

I that it should inherit.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

I'm not sure what the issue is here. There is no "text-direction" property, only a "direction" property, and "ltr" is the default value.
Thank you for catching my error. Works much better. :)

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators