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Apply underline to a non breaking space

Hey there, I my system is spitting out html that is similar to the following:

<u>Jacob</u> <u>Fogg</u>

Which produces the following:

Jacob Fogg

obviously the space will not be underlined. I have applied a field join to the two fields that applies underline to the space, like this:


This works in both FF and IE, but in prince it still looks like the example above.

I know the ideal option would be to just wrap the entire first and last name in underline tags, but because of the way our system pulls information from the database, it is not an option.

Any ideas as to how I can get the space to apply the underline style to the space???

Thanks for the quick response!
can you use some kind of post-processor, to replace "</u> <u>" with "&nbsp;" during fetching info from DB, or after ?
