Forum Bugs

Internal link is not working

I am trying to create the pdf using the attached file, but the internal link is not work. any clue? Thanks.
Empty anchor elements used as link targets in a block context can sometimes be ignored, this is an open issue we hope to fix in the future. In the meantime, placing an id attribute directly on the div element you wish to link to will work better in Prince and is supported by web browsers also.
You guys are really good. I had the same problem this afternoon of a jump not working. But I read this post this morning answering the problem.
Thanks again. :D

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Thanks for reply. How it can get supported at version 7.x :D
Add a non-breaking space for the target so it isn't empty.
<a id="start"> </a>

     <a href="#start">Jump to start of definitions</a>


Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Thanks Jim, this the the perfect workaround!